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Rejected by Reader’s Digest


Several years ago, my doctor informed me that I had a couple of nasal polyps that had to be removed. Up until then, I proudly had all of my original parts. So being been knocked out, much less having any kind of surgery, was charting new territory for me. And since I’m a major chicken when it comes to things like that, I was a nervous wreck. Needless to say, I drove everyone crazy with my incessant worrying.Rejected By Reader's Digest - Sure Dad making faces gif


The day before my scheduled fateful event, I was on the phone, speaking with my brother. He suggested that donuts would really hasten my recovery. Of course, I enjoy eating donuts, and it’s a great comfort food (maybe not really food, per se), but I didn’t quite understand how a donut would minimize my anticipated discomfort. So I kept questioning him on this suggested course of action. And the more skeptical I sounded about it, the more he kept insisting that donuts were the miracle treatment for this malady. He claimed to know many people who had great post-op results with a donut.

Then it hit me. I shouted into the phone, “Nasal surgery, not anal surgery!”
